The Gavin Chronicles, October 7, 2007

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

Good Evening Everyone-

Today was a great day for Gavin! His nurses decided today would be spa day for Gavin. They gave him a bath and exfoliating treatment. His skin was so dry and peeling, so he really did need it. They said he sticks his arms out and relaxes while they lube him up with lotion. I am just afraid that he will become accustomed to this spa stuff and then will want to go to the spa after he comes home. I am sure his sister would be delighted to accompany him if that were the case. I can just see it now, Brooke gets her nails done while Gavin exfoliates......oh the life of the Philben children.

Gavin's great grandma came to visit today. She spent a few hours admiring him and entertaining the staff as well. She is very proud of her grand children and was delighted to be able to see Gavin. I think she is planning on her next visit cause I am sure she enjoyed herself.

After his bath and visitors Gavin was pretty wore out. He spent the afternoon sleeping and relaxing although I did catch a glimpse of his eyes before I left. He kept his oxygen saturations up pretty well today and had no bradychardias while we were there.

I will be curious if he gained weight tonight....I will find out in a bit when they weigh him. Weigh in is always at night. Sometimes they do it at 8pm and other times they wait until midnight. Just like when Ian was a preemie, we look forward to weigh in time. It is like the big excitement for the day. This is not to be confused with Mommy's weigh in which is somewhat depressing.

I have included a few new pictures for you. The picture of the ghost and the pumpkin shows you Gavin's new friends. The kids picked these out for him and are very proud to show them off. Gavin's apartment is decorated for Halloween and the kids just love it.
I will update more tomorrow......

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