"We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers."
1 Thesselonians 1:2
Happy Fall!
It is that time of year again that we take time out of our busy schedules and reflect with much gratitude for all that we are thankful for. Our house is not exempt from this process. This year is special for us. We enter into this holiday season with hearts full of joy. This year we are able to celebrate the holidays together as a family! We are able to rejoice in the wonders of our awesome God and all that he has done for us.
Through grace we are able to be in this place. Brooke has a disk of music from Bible school this summer that has a song about grace on it. It is indeed true that grace is A. Unbelievable B. Indescribable and C. Unexplainable! The book of 2 Corintheans truly explains it all.... “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
So what are we thankful for this year? First and Foremost we are thankful for all of our wonderful friends and family who have continued along this journey with us. All of your prayers and positive thoughts lend us support that carries us along in our journey. Without all of you and your support, we would be nothing. I personally am thankful for my parents who stand by us through thick and thin. They have made our kids a priority in their lives and show it daily. They have supported these kids in ways that thank you's just cannot repay. We are thankful for Colin's job. He has been faced with many new opportunities this year and he continues to be blessed with rewarding challenges along the way. We are so thankful for our church home and community who continues to stand by us. Many Many continued thanks to the NICU staff at Littleton Hospital for all that they have done for us. Without their never failing support for Gavin we would not be where we are today. Most of all we are thankful for the opportunities that we have been given this year to grow individually and as a family. We are thankful for the love that has truly blossomed in this house. We are thankful for God's grace that surrounds us every day in every way!
We are thankful also for the progress that Gavin continues to make. Is it fair to put stipulations on thankfulness? I mean can you be thankful but also not so thankful at the same time? He is growing up right before our eyes. He is everything that his brother and sister were not! He tries everything that his brother and sister did not. Recently, he has discovered doors! Yes, you did actually hear me correctly when I said doors. He can spend hours with doors. He loves to lay and open them then close them then open them then close them. One may say....what is the problem with that? Seems harmless right? WRONG! Last week I had been cleaning house a bit when I noticed Gavin was absent....as in no where to be found. I called to the other 2 kids to see if they were by some slim chance playing with him elsewhere.....to my dismay, they had no clue as to his where abouts. So, as any mother would do, I hollared for him....STUPID....given the fact that he obviously didn't answer. I was a bit panicked at this point...so I began to walk the floor room by room trying to locate my lost child. Not under the dining room table, not behind the dining room door, not under the kitchen table, not stuck in between the couch and cofee tables, not in the laundry room....Ah HA! The bathroom door is shut.....open it and what to my wondering eyes should appear....my lovely child, happily playing in the toilet! Now, while you are laughing I want you to know I truly am thankful for his sense of independence and exploration...not so thankful for his sense or lack there of of FEAR or anything similar. No other child has stood up to the toilet in this house until Gavin....no other child has stood up to drawers in the kitchen and pulled them out until Gavin....I just cannot wait to find out what other tricks he has up his sleave.
So, my thanfulness with Gavin is for the opportunity to spend all of this time with him and even in my frustrations be able to laugh and say.....this kid is meant to be. He may keep me on my toes from morning til night....but it is all worth it at the end of the day when he so willingly gives kisses and then fades off into a deep sleep.
He is working to master saying "Bye Bye" and has recently added the wave to it as well. He now eats 3 complete meals of table food daily and really much rather prefers it to the bottle. He is working to master the sippy cup....but has had a relapse since we were on vacation. Dinner time is social hour for Gavin. He loves to be a part of the dinner hour conversations and babbles up a storm....still no sign of mama in that conversation though....oh well, you know they say, save the best for last! He is still weighing in at just under 13 lbs. No real weight gain in a months time.....wonder if it could be all that crawling that is burning off those calories....doctor says no worries if he is eating and sleeping and well adjusted....He cruises the furniture and I bet will be walking by Christmas.
Gavin went trick or treating for the first time ever. I really think he truly enjoyed the charriot ride for the hour or so that he was out. He likes to try to steal candy from Ian and Brooke....I am sure next year he will be running up the block.
Gavin and Brooke shared a tender moment this morning with the Target toy book for
Christmas. Brooke showed Gavin all the toys she wanted to buy him and he ate the book to show his approval. Christmas in this house is going to be simple and GRAND this year.
Colin and I will be spending the weekend in the mountains this weekend....what do you do without kids for 3 days? I guess we will find out. Next weekend is the starlighting and the kids are excited for that....hope the weather holds out for us. Thanksgiving will be here at our house and they are excited for that as well.
Time for me to sign off as it is getting late. Thanks again for all of your continued love and support. You all are truly wonderful!
Peace and Love-
Colin, Juanita, Ian, Brooke and Gavin
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